Swift is used by both podiatrists and dermatologists to provide treatment for your warts within seconds. Swift has been tested to have a staggering 83% success rate.
It provides consistent results, in a clean environment and requires minimal amounts of aftercare. Plantar warts, being viral, are difficult to treat, but Swift offers the best solution currently. Previous wart therapies have the potential to be ineffective, or cause damage, or cause scar tissue to form within the skin, making you a podiatry patient for years to come.
Swift has been developed in the UK and uses microwave energy which is delivered to the wart via a special probe. Microwave therapy cannot cause damage to your DNA or any living things, proving it safe to use in clinic.
Swift is a little uncomfortable, like an injection, however, the pain is instantaneous and very rarely is it prolonged. Most patients find the first treatment the most painful as they are unaware as to what to expect. However, with each treatment as the machine does its work, pain reduces.
The advantage of using swift, is that there is no downtime in daily activities, after treatment, patients can attend their usual activities.
The number of treatments depend on your body’s ability to heal. Initially, the first three or four treatments are booked three weeks apart from each other. Thereafter, your podiatrist will stagger treatments, giving your body the time, it requires to heal. However, this will be discussed with you prior to you commencing treatment. This treatment is amazing if you are actively looking for a solution to treat unsightly warts quickly, and with minimal invasion. Whilst treatment would sound pricey, it is important to remember that all over the counter products add up and time, safety, and aftercare, needs to be factored into this.
To make an immediate appointment and be proactive towards your health call ProHealth Podiatry in Red Hill or Mt Gravatt on (07) 3076 7306 or e-mail info@prohealthpodiatry.com.au.