
Sole Support

by | Jun 27, 2022 | Uncategorized | 0 comments

Everyone will develop sore feet at some stage in their life and the more active you are, with work and sport, the more likely the chance of painful feet developing.

So how does a Podiatrist at ProHealth Podiatry treat sore feet?

Well, there are many treatment options available, and the underlying cause of your sore feet will determine what is the best treatment option.

Footwear Advice

In some cases, simple footwear advice is all that’s required. It’s important to make sure your footwear matches the activity you’re undertaking, and this also applies to work.

If you’re on your feet all day, then you need a shoe that is both supportive and stable along the arch and has adequate cushioning.

This is why you should purchase your shoes from well-trained footwear outlets. Good footwear comes with a price, but how valuable are your feet?

Treatment Options

If you have a normal foot-type, and we’ll be able to tell you if this is the case, yet if you are still getting sore feet, you may benefit from other podiatry therapies, such as dry needling, laser, shockwave therapy or prolotherapy.

No two feet are the same, which is why our podiatrist is trained to offer various treatment options. 

Flat Feet

If you have flat feet, you may benefit from having orthotics made.

When you stand, a foot that flattens and rolls inwards at the ankle too much, places a lot of force of the supporting soft tissues and muscles and this is often the source of many long-term foot and ankle problems.

Listen to Your Body

Yes, good footwear can help, but long-term it will not be adequate enough to prevent long-term pain, and when you’re in pain you need to listen, because it’s your body trying to tell you that something is wrong, and it needs assistance.

 Untreated foot problems can and will lead to long-term joint damage and arthritis, so putting it off now will only make things worse later on.

Glasses for Your Feet

Think of orthotics like glasses for your feet. Both orthotics and glasses are simple devices, which when manufactured properly makes your life better.

If you have poor eyesight, imagine your life without glasses. Think of orthotics and your feet the same way.

You may not want to wear orthotics, but if you have sore feet and you’re in constant pain, then the answer is pretty simple. Supporting the soles of your feet will go a long way in giving you back your lifestyle, especially if it’s being interrupted.

If you find it difficult to stand at work, run around with the kids, walking the dog, or simply enjoy a casual stroll on the beach, then now is the perfect time to be assessed…not next month.

To make an immediate appointment and be proactive towards your health call ProHealth Podiatry in Red Hill or Mt Gravatt on (07) 3076 7306 or e-mail info@prohealthpodiatry.com.au.


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