At ProHealth Podiatry we perform a lot of nail surgeries, year in, year out with outstanding results, yet some potential nail surgery patients are still unsure if they should see a podiatrist or their General Practitioner for nail surgery.
So, if you are still sitting on the fence yourself, here are six good reasons why you should see a podiatrist for your nail surgery.
- Podiatrists are foot specialists and even though the Athlete’s Foot may say, ‘nobody knows the foot like the Athlete’s Foot’, we beg to differ, WE DO KNOW THE FOOT BETTER than anyone else, and that includes your general practitioner.
- Because ingrown toenails are common, Podiatrists have more experience than anyone else at treatment and prevention.
- Your podiatrist knows the right portion of nail to be removed to prevent it from regrowing. This means your toenail will look far better after the surgery and not distorted and deformed. You should have to be hiding your feet from the public post-surgery.
- Because we specialise in the foot and give local anaesthetic in the toe more often there will be far less discomfort and pain.
- We have instruments specifically engineered for treating ingrown toenails and for performing toenail surgery. General practitioner will use whatever they’ve got. OUCH!!
- Because podiatrists remove less nail and use the right instruments; you will have a faster recovery time, which means no time off of work, and you’ll be able to get on with your life and activity much quicker.
If you have an ingrown toenail, get it treated as early as possible, because the longer you leave it the worse it can become, and ideally you want to avoid nail surgery if you can.
As a final tip, it’s important to understand that only a podiatrist will be able to perform conservative, non-surgical treatment, and more often than not, most ingrown toenails do not require surgery.
To make an immediate appointment and be proactive towards your health call ProHealth Podiatry in Red Hill or Mt Gravatt on (07) 3076 7306 or e-mail