Basketball and Children
Most parents want their children to play sport, and basketball is one of the more popular sports because of the perception that it’s a non-contact sport and therefore safe to play at all ages.
Basketball is also played all around the world and is probably marketed better than most other sports. I think it would be difficult to find someone who does not know the name Michael Jordan.
Injuries Can Occur
Even though basketball it is technically non-contact, it’s important for parents to be aware and understand that basketball places a tremendous amount of force on the feet and lower limbs.
Without proper fitness and preparation prior to playing, injuries will invariably occur because there is a high level of stress constantly placed on the joints, muscles, tendon, and ligaments, especially around the foot and ankle.
There are two types of injuries that can occur when playing basketball:
- An Acute injury from a sudden and forceful blow.
Most acute foot and ankle injuries occur from landing awkwardly from a jump or twisting when falling. These types of injuries are quite difficult to prevent.
The most common acute injuries include ankle sprains, torn ligaments and muscles, tendon ruptures and fractures.
This is why ankle strapping is so important in any sport that involves sudden angle changes when running or close contact with another player, even a player on your own team.
- A Chronic injury, develops slowly and becomes aggravated over an extended period of time.
At ProHealth Podiatry, we see mostly chronic injuries, and unfortunately, we’re usually the last port of call, whereas we should be first.
When it comes to foot and lower limb treatment, podiatrists are far superior than any other health care provider.
Why Do Chronic Injuries Occur?
There are three common reasons for chronic, overuse injuries.
- It could be as simple as having an inadequate warm-up technique or more commonly, not warm-up at all. Poor fitness could also be a factor.
- There could be a problem with their footwear: Improper fit, or their footwear could be worn out and need replacing.
- There could be an underlying biomechanical foot problem that causes your child’s foot to roll inwards or outwards too much and this creates undue stress on the foot and ankle, and this is where our podiatry skill really comes to the forefront
Highly Skilled Podiatrists
Only a podiatrist can identify biomechanical foot problems and if this is combined with poor fitness, as mentioned above, an injury is bound to happen. All podiatrists at ProHealth Podiatry are highly skilled in this area of podiatry.
Common chronic injuries sustained in basketball include heel pain, shin splints, Achilles tendonitis and pain in the forefoot.
Professionals Versus Kids Playing for Fun
Professional Basketball Players will always strap their ankles or wear ankle guards to prevent ankle sprains.
They will also wear correct footwear, maintain a certain level of fitness and warm up prior to a game. However, this is not always the case when young children begin to play; yet they’re still placing their young bodies under similar stresses.
Professional Basketball Players will also seek out a Podiatrist, especially if they are experiencing early signs and symptoms of an overuse injury in their feet or lower limbs.
Therefore, if your child is complaining of similar problems and ongoing pain in their feet and lower limbs, you should have them see a Podiatrist at ProHealth Podiatry as early as possible so they can enjoy the game.
To make an immediate appointment and be proactive towards your health call ProHealth Podiatry in Red Hill or Mt Gravatt on (07) 3076 7306 or e-mail