
Do your shoes wear out differently to others or each other?

by | Oct 11, 2022 | Uncategorized | 0 comments

Did you know that the way you walk could leave a unique footprint or wear your shoes out in an ‘abnormal’ way?

Therefore, when you book in for your podiatry appointment consultation, we ask that you bring along some of your most worn shoes with you.

The underneath of your shoes can tell us if you pronate (roll in) or supinate (roll out), if you favour one foot over the other or if you may have any forefoot pathologies (issues).

Footwear marks are often used by a forensic team as evidence. It can help determine the suspects type of shoe, their size, or even their pattern of walking.

Shoes can also help you determine whether you need to see a podiatrist.

Look at the outsole of the shoe or the most bottom part of the shoe, look at the forefoot (toe) area, look at the part of the shoe on the upper where your toes would usually bend whilst walking, if you find any of these wears overly excessive or very different to others around you, then be sure to call in and ask our advice at ProHealth Podiatry.

Remember, we are located in Red Hill and Upper Mount Gravatt, contact us on (07) 3076 7306 or info@prohealthpodiatry.com.au


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